Babies are cute. People love taking cute pictures of cute babies, I get that. But a lot of people like doing rude things to babies and taking pictures of that. You'll find those pictures here.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Gargantuan Flower Headband

Photo via Melinda B.

With rare exception, babies are super adorable. Everyone knows it, and everyone wants to tell you about it. All. The. Time. And it's just the worst. Is their any relief from the constant attention your beautiful baby is getting?

Enter the gargantuan flower headband. Gone are the days your baby's adorable face is the first thing strangers notice. Less "Your baby is so precious!", more "Oh... that's a headband.
Did you make that?" 

Problem solved.

Bonus feature! When the baby's face is exposed, the sun gets in her eyes, she's all like, "whaaaaahh." If you don't have a hat, or an umbrella, or sunglasses, or the indoors, or literally anything else, the gargantuan flower headband will provide endless shade to your baby.

In summary, if you hate when people see your baby or when your baby sees things, the gargantuan flower headband is for you!

Naked Cowboy Baby

Hey Baby. I know I told you we'd be taking pictures today, but I didn't want to cover up the parts of you that should be covered up, so I didn't. Everyone needs a few good nudie pics. You'll thank me when you're older. But, I am going to cage you in on this farm, so I got you this hat and these boots because accessories are important. The boots are made for adults so you'll have a hard time walking, but they will showcase your naked butt cheeks. And the hat matches the boots. Have fun, baby!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Baby in a bowl

If someone left me alone, naked, in a salad bowl, this is exactly what I would do.

Baby loves gardening

Is this a giant pile of gardening soil? Or brownies? And why is the baby one of them? Or two of them, if you count the giant part on the baby's body and the regular sized one on his head. Is the baby good at gardening, or does he love wearing soil for clothes and accessories? That dirt hat is pretty fancy.

You look like an animal. For real.

Hey giant baby. Did you know that when you're naked, you look like this dog? Both of your faces are telling me that you find this confusing or offensive. It's fine, I'm gonna take a picture of it anyway.

Poopy Pumkin Butt

This picture could be so sweet. Two baby friends hanging out with some pumpkins in a cozy cabin = adorbs.

But then you take off all their clothes except a hair bow (gotta keep a girl modest) and paint shiny orange pumpkins on their bare bums so it looks like they've messed themselves? Rude.